lundi 31 octobre 2011


One thing that the English love to do above all, is getting dressed . And what better occasion to do that than Halloween!!!!!

In France this holiday is not really part of the culture. Nobody really cares. This is just an excuse to make kids draw pumpkins and spiders at school.
But here, everyone one is doing it.
 For the girls, it is a great excuse to dress up in a "whatever you want-slut "without anyone finding anything to say about it. For the guys, it is a great opportunity to put on all the make up they have always dreamed of putting on. And of course, this is an other excuse to drink a loooooot of alcohool, in the name of witches, ghost and other vampire.

Si l'idée de faire revivre sorcières,esprits maléfiques et autres fantômes du passé le temps d'une nuit dans la ville d'harry potter a un certain charme....Je n'arrive pas à oublier que la soirée se déroulera comme toutes les autres dans une boîte de nuit typiquement anglaise.Et hormis le moment magique de l'enfilage du costume et de la prise de photo traditionnelle; tout comme dans cendrillon, le charme se rompra et nous redeviendrons tous et toutes de pauvres étudiants bien trop alcoolisé.!!

Well despite all that ladies and gentlemen, i am ready to enjoy this halloween party like i have never done before, like an english girl!!!
Ce soir les amis.....ayez peur du noir!!!!

samedi 29 octobre 2011


The English people might have some strange habits, way of living and so on... but they are also able to have some really original and great idea.
This one is the month of Movember. The first time i heard of that was when i was reading the" rowing and regatta" journal, that had an article about rowers growing a moustache during the month of november!
This is not just an other weird habit, i promess. Men are doing that for helping fighting prostate cancer.And this is a big deal around here. One of my friend from south Africa told me that he was doing it every year, even so, believe me, the moustache does not fit him really well! (sorry Ciaran ^^)
This idea is so simple and so great that i had to share this with you.
Si vous voulez en savoir plus sur cette idée toute simple allez jeter un coup d'oeil sur le site officiel:
Et si l'envie vous en dit, rejoignez le mouvement!
Bon mois de Movembre!!!!!

dimanche 23 octobre 2011

Sport : French pride

Sometimes you don't need a lot of things to make you happy, proud or alive. Today, i ought all those feelings to the french rugby team.

For those of you who are not really keen on sport, or who just did not care, this article might be just a waste of time. But for me and some others, it is a little slice of joy.

I am not always proud to be French, and to be honest, i don't think of that really often (quoi que depuis que je me suis retrouvée coincée dans un trou paumé en angleterre, l'idée me vient souvent!). And sometimes, it is not just a question of victory or success.
Today, our national team has lost against new-zealand in the world cup final. But what they have done today, the fight, the spirit, the way they have played, in the name of our country... well it is just something that you can't describe...
Alors merci à eux, pour un spectacle grandiose...
Merci la France!

jeudi 20 octobre 2011

The sex and the city syndrom

As you may know , I am currently living in a really small town in the north-west of England. It is a really beautifull old and typical England city, with lot of stories ... The only problem is, there is not so much to do in here, and you are 10 minutes walk away from everything, and you just feel like living here is just IMPOSSIBLE!
This is what i call the :"sex and the city syndrom"

 This feeling that life can only be lived in a big city. This sensation of being lost in this ocean of beautifull buildings, shops, huge streets and so on... In a big city, you are no one and in the same time you can be who ever you want. You have your own spot, your favorite coffe-place, bookshop, and it takes you almost the day to go from one side to another... A day in the city is like a new journey each time...
And most of all, the big city allows you to think: i might find love here... because there is so much places, peoples, corners that there must be someone for you somewhere in this jungle...
This is the power of the big cities....
Unfortunetly i haven't found a cure fo this yet...
Je ne sais même pas s'il existe un remède à ce syndrôme, et peut être que vivre à plus d'une heure de la "vraie ville" la plus proche m'aidera à trouver une réponse à cette énigme...
En attendant, je vais retourner à ma micro-cité et essayer d'y trouver le "je ne sais quoi" qui rend une ville magique...

ps: Paris i ♥u

mercredi 19 octobre 2011

A drop of litterature

I have always been a fan of books, and those past years i have read a lot of them.
But lately i have found this amazing author:
 Alexander McCall Smith!!!!
His collection is made of 5 series of books:
-The n°1 Ladies detective Agency
-44 Scotland street
-The sunday philosophie club
-Corduroy Mansions
-Other titles

I am currently reading one of the Corduroy Mansions serie, and it is a real page turner!!!
Alors si vous cherchez un bon livre à lire, facile, pas prétentieu mais bien écrit et original, voici exactement ce qu'il vous faut!!!!
Se trouve chez tous les bons libraires
 (Et pour les plus téméraires, vous pouvez essayer la v.o!)

mardi 18 octobre 2011

Frenchy fit tips : Alcohool

Since i arrived here, people can't stop asking : how are you doing to eat to healthily?
Well first of all "i am french", So i know what good food actually means !
But this is not all the difference. The topic today : alcohool.
As a french person, i really enjoy having a good glass of wine. I am not saying that i am an expert or anything, but i know how to enjoy it. And there is nothing wrong with a glass of least with ONE.
The problem is the quantity of alcohool that one can drink. Here in england, more than in France, the students drink an incredible amount of alcohool. Well ladies, not only does it makes the day after incredibly hard, but it is also a lot of calories for well....nothing.
So I would suggest, when you have a party, and you know you are going to drink a lot, buy a light wine (yes it does exist!). And the day after, before the breakfeast, go have a little run. not very long, just about 20 minutes.
Ca peut paraitre un petit rien, ou pour certaines un effort insurmontable. mais il vous permettra de faire circuler le sang et d'éliminer un tant soi peu tout l'alcool ingéré. 
De plus, si ce petit réveil devient quelque chose auquel vous vous  habituez (si vous devez le faire tous les jours il serait temps de vous poser des questions!! ), il peut être le commencement d'un petit rituel d'activité physique hebdomadaire....Mais ça, nous y viendrons plus tard.
En attendant, Santé!

lundi 17 octobre 2011

The British Girl

For all of us, poor ignoring french people, the british girl is this crazy little girl, with funky outfits and  a roguish smile...

You know, grils like Twiggy or Emma Watson...

Well the reality is way different. The british girls today, the real ones, not the actresses who have access to great disigners (french disigner :p) and who are always impeccable. The real British girls could , (and should), take a little bit of time to read Vogue (the uk one is great), Elle or Cosmo and inspire themselves...just sayin'.
Mais il se peut aussi simplement que les Anglaises soient juste bien moins critique que nous autres franchouillarde. Et peut être qu'ici, s'habiller en stripteaseuse si l'on fait du 52 ne dérange personne , simplement parce que personne ne juge ou ne prête réellement attention à cela.
Ce qui pour nous peut paraître comme une faute de goût impardonnable,n'est pour elle qu'un choix anodin que personne ne se permettra de relever.
En attendant mesdemoiselles, même si j'admire leur liberté d'expression vestimentaire, il n'empêche que la French touch et son sens du style restent indetrônable...
Yes ladies, even the english guys are telling me how well dress i am...
French Pride !


Hy everybody!
The Frenchy has arrived. I am not going to bother you with what this blog will be about...You will just have to wait and see...
En attendant je le dédicace à ma famille.....
A très bientôt